A ring of flowers sitting next to Mario decorations showcasing ideas for non-traditional weddings

8 Ideas for Non-Traditional Weddings for an Unforgettable Night

Weddings are such a special time and celebrate the love that people share, but sometimes weddings can all start to feel the same. If you don’t want your wedding to be just like every other wedding you have been to, you may be looking for some ideas for non-traditional weddings to mix into your planning. 

Well, as a wedding photographer who has worked with so many unique and non-traditional couples over the years, I can definitely help point you in the right direction. 

So, let’s dive into a few ideas for non-traditional weddings that you can incorporate into your own special day! 

Ideas for Non-Traditional Weddings

Pick Unique Wedding Colors 

Now, a lot of non-traditional ideas you are probably going to see are going to center around adding extra things to your wedding, but a really easy way to make your wedding stand out is to pick unique colors for it. 

We have all been to the weddings that are light blue or gold or beige and maybe that just isn’t you. Instead, you can pick more non-traditional colors for your wedding to give it a pop and make it feel more like you. 

These could be colors that are more dark and moody or maybe ones that are more bright and bold. It really depends on what you feel matches your personality the best. 

If you want to take it a step further, you could even opt to get outfits in these colors and ditch the traditional white and black that most people go for! 

Choose a Venue that is Non-Traditional 

Another great way to have a more non-traditional wedding is to pick a unique wedding venue. This can mean something like getting married at a brewery, on top of a mountain, in the desert, or just at a one-of-a-kind location around where you live. 

The possibilities are endless and you really don’t have to stick to any script when it comes to where you tie the knot. You do, however, want to make sure wherever you choose can accommodate all of your guests! 

On top of picking a unique venue, you could even have something like games or entertainment at that venue. Drag queens, performers, or even a handful of games that people can play during the cocktail hour and reception can really take your wedding to the next level and make it stand out! 

Plan a Coordinated First Dance 

A fun way for you and your partner to add a bit of a twist to your wedding reception is to plan a coordinated first dance. Not only will this be so much fun for you two to do, but your guests will also love seeing you perform together. 

Now, this is definitely for those people who aren’t afraid to maybe try something new and be a bit more adventurous when it comes to what they do, but it can be a fun memory from your wedding and a great way to spend time together beforehand as you rehearse leading up to the big day! 

Opt For Unique Dinner Options Like Food Trucks 

Instead of a sit-down dinner or a buffet like you tend to see at weddings, why not opt for something more unique like food trucks? This is definitely a unique addition to add to your wedding, but also has two other big perks. 

First, you don’t have to chase people down to figure out if they want the chicken or the fish or worry about there being enough meals for everyone at your wedding. Instead, you can just hire a few different trucks to park outside your reception venue and people can choose what they want to eat on the spot. 

Second, it also allows you to have a much larger variety of food than traditional catering does. If you and your partner can’t decide between Italian and Mexican for your wedding, you can just get both! 

Have Your Pet as Part of Your Wedding 

Let’s be real, your pets are part of your family so why shouldn’t they be a part of your wedding. Your pet can even be the witness to your wedding in Colorado! 

Adding your pet into your wedding brings so much joy and excitement to the day, while also giving it a non-traditional twist. There are also so many different ways you can involve your pet in your wedding. 

You can have them greet all of your guests as they walk into your ceremony. They can be an honorary member of your wedding party and stand up with you as you say your vows. You can even have them be the ring bearer! 

However you choose to incorporate your pet, having them there is such a great way to make this day even more memorable! 

Do a Private Dinner with Your Partner 

If you are looking for a non-traditional wedding idea that you can do with your partner, a private dinner may be the perfect thing for you. This is something that isn’t done very often but is a great addition to any wedding. 

A private dinner gives you and your partner a chance to sit down and be alone for just a few minutes after you have officially tied the knot. There are so many things that go on during your wedding day that you may find you don’t actually get to spend a lot of alone time with your partner. 

This is the perfect time to do it and is a great way to relax after all of the build up before the ceremony. 

Plus, sometimes it can be hard to find time to just sit down and eat throughout your wedding day and you picked out all of the food at your reception for a reason so you should absolutely get the chance to enjoy it! 

Have an Interactive Guest Book 

An interactive guest book is not only something that gives you a unique memory to look back on, but it is also really fun for your guests. There are so many different ways that you can do this depending on what you and your partner want. 

A few options you could choose include putting a Polaroid camera out so that guests can take a picture and place it in the book as they come in, have them record a video or audio message for you, or have them write a small note that you can read after the wedding! 

Surprise Your Guests with an Outfit Change 

Finally, you and your partner can surprise your guests with an outfit change. This can either be one right at the beginning of the reception or you can choose to have an exit outfit that you change into before you officially leave as a married couple. 

This can not only give you the chance to change into something a bit more comfortable (I mean who doesn’t love a matching sweatsuit), but it also creates one final memorable moment as you see everyone’s reactions to you walking out in a brand new outfit! 

Final Thoughts on Non-Traditional Weddings 

There you have it! Some ideas for non-traditional wedding photos that you can incorporate into your own special day. When it comes to these unique things that you want to do, the most important thing to remember is that you can do whatever you want to. 

Maybe it is something that is on this list or maybe it is something completely different that you feel is the best way to make your wedding unique and unforgettable. You and your partner are in charge of this day and you get to choose exactly how you want it to play out. 

And if you are still looking for the perfect photographer to bring this dream vision to life, I’d love to chat. Taking your unique ideas and capturing them for you to look back on for years to come is one of the main reasons why I love being a wedding photographer. If you can dream it up, we can make it a reality! 

If that sounds like exactly what you are looking for, let’s connect. You can click here to check out my wedding photography services or you can head over here to get in touch and start planning out your dream wedding day!

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